A full service civil contractor providing multiple services for the pipeline industry including land clearing, trucking, filling, grading, installation and maintenance of levees with over 50 employees.
They had a strong need to improve the efficiency of their service technicians in remote and isolated areas. At the time, their field service technicians were creating field tickets by hand onsite where there were little or no access to internet. The field tickets were handwritten in paper forms, scanned using a portable scanner and emailed back to headquarters. From the scanned documents, the administration staff would reenter the data into their accounting software. This created significant delays in their invoicing process which required additional man hours to perform double entry with high risks of data entry errors.
CBM Technology’s software development team collaborated with the client to come up with a design that was:
- Scalable
- Easy to use by the field technicians
- Providing management data quickly
- Reduce double entry for the administration staff
Developed as a Windows 10 application that was specifically designed to take advantage of Microsoft Surface Pro. The data used within the application is centrally stored within Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint cloud. The field service technicians completed job tickets in remote areas with little to no internet connectivity. The field service technicians are able to utilized the camera on the Microsoft Surface Pro to take pictures on the job for documentation and the responsive touchscreen allowed for effortless data entry. Once the job was complete, the customer was able to sign the job ticket acknowledging that the job was satisfactory. At the end of each shift, the field service technician connects to an available wireless or LTE connection to synchronize the data to Microsoft 365 SharePoint. The administration staff is able review and push all transactions generated to the accounting package without manual duplication.