It is hurricane season now; I hope that you are probably prepared in some form or fashion. If you are NOT, you better call CBM Technology! Otherwise, it is time to dust off that hurricane preparedness procedure and do a test run, particularly to make sure that you can restore from backups to make sure that everything is in working order.
We all know when hurricane season is here and there is some chance of hitting us. Heck, we can somewhat plan ahead when a Category 5 hurricane comes knocking on our door.
What I want to prepare you for is something that cannot be planned and can happen 365 days out of year – a cyber security incident.
BAM! You are hit with ransomware, or some other nasty thing and your business is down. Was it because you weren’t prepared for it? Was it because you simply didn’t know? Was it because you expected someone else to take care of it? Was it because you simply said, ‘I will take care of it later’?
Having an Independent IT Audit is a way to avoid all the “was it because” questions mentioned. It is basically a review of your IT systems, backups and disaster recovery, incident response plans, (hurricane or cyber security) and provide recommendations in areas to improve and how.
It is important to note that an IT audit is not to point out how poorly the IT department or current IT provider is doing. Instead, an audit (especially an external one) should provide insight on protecting your data, system, users, and your clients in the best possible way.
Importance of an IT Security Audit:
- Understand what security gaps you have in your company, if any.
- Identify loopholes before the hackers and natural disasters.
- Prepare the organization for emergency response in case of a cybersecurity breach or natural disaster.
- Keep the organization updated with security measures.
- Reduce disruption and downtime to your business.
- Create a list of actions and prioritize corrections and changes.
- Help the business to prepare for compliance.
Don’t make the mistake of asking yourself ‘Why didn’t I take 5 minutes to contact CBM Technology?’ after something bad happens. So, I triple dog dare you to contact us.