CBM loves to be involved in the community and we have engaged in several events and helped several organizations. What we recently found out is that this has been translating to our employees as well. This month is pet awareness month, and we would like to share some of our employees’ contributions and experiences.
When you think about how can I help in my Community it may be a little daunting and you can wonder how to start participating in volunteering? Well sometimes hearing how others got started can help to understand what you can do, so here is how our employee Kat started out:
Kat decided to get a dog and luckily, she fell in love with a cutie from a rescue.

Adopting from a Rescue or Shelter ✓

This was her first adoption and she had several questions and fortunately the members and volunteers of the rescue were very helpful. This positive experience has such a great impact on Kat that she decided to share her new knowledge with other new pet owners or first timers. This continued and she ultimately became one of the volunteers and helped with the different events they had to adopt pets.

Organizing or Attending awareness events ✓

She continued to help with events and when asked if she could take in a pet for a couple of days and to take care of it, it was a no brainer for her and she accepted. That’s how Kat got into fostering and while there are moments that you share with these cute animals, having quiet cuddle times on the couch, it can also be destructive or messy times. As the foster parent your job is to train them so that they are ready to find the new perfect adopter to give them a happy home.

Fostering or Caring for pets ✓

When we think of how we could contribute to the community, we usually think of sponsorship or donating money to an organization. But there’s much more that we can do, we can also invest time or resources. Animal Shelters for example are happy to receive pet food/treats, cleaning supplies, old towels and blankets (washed before donated), newspapers or toys for their pets.

Sponsor or Donate time/money/resources ✓

We’re very proud of all our employees saving their companions’ lives.

Teddy Bear – Lisa

Bär (bɛːɐ̯ – Bear) – adopted from a Shelter, Chad

Luna(calico) and Binx(black) – saved barn cats, Mathew

Critter and Varmit – saved cats from unexpected litter, Annie

† Maggie – Stray, Jean-luc

Finn and Pepper – adopted from a Shelter, Jean-luc

(Char-)Cole, Mae, Peek-a-(Chew) – fostered and adopted from different Rescues, Katharina

Pretzel, Whisky and Bella – Ryan